However, the textbook also includes extensive quotations, sidebars, anecdotes, cases, tangential elements, personal observations, exercises, and so forth that will not be found in this document. The reader of both documents will, therefore, notice deliberate similarities and identical passages. Such harvesting will not be cited, as it is expected to be substantial.

That material is separate and distinct from this document, but the agreement allows for the "harvesting" of material from that text. The resulting textbook, Managing Digital: Concepts and Practices, was contributed by the author and published by The Open Group Press to serve as an experiment in collaborative, open source document development, and also to support worldwide distribution on a low/no-cost basis. Architecture, Digital Strategy, and Portfolio

Governance, Risk, Security, and Compliance Structuring the Organization: Product and Function Process Control and Continuous Improvement Coordination, Execution, and the Delivery Models Work Management Capabilities and Approaches Securing Applications and Digital Products Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code Compatibility with Enterprise Architecture Relationship of this Document to Other Bodies of Knowledge.

Background and Intended Value of this Work.Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™ Standard.