I spent hours customizing cars given the customization options this opened up for the game, now you can see why. This works on any car, any layer, any combination. This will glitch the game and load all other vinyls + the full custom vinyl. Now immediately select the same slot and choose change. Select "change" not remove and choose the one you want to install. Go back into the vinyls and select the layer that you want the unique/contest/art factory to be on. unique/contest/art factory) vinyls for any of the 4 slots available for vinyls and set them up exactly as you want them. Select regular/body(anything except vinyls that would normally replace all slots i.e. That being said, I never did meet anyone else who had. it was a glitch that I merely stumbled across by accident after all. I feel bad having never shared this with the world apart from my friends, though I do wonder if anyone else stumbled across this, I don't see why not.

I never uploaded this or shared because I never had the internet at home. In my time playing I discovered the best cosmetic glitch in the game. So back in the PS2 glory days while I was a teenager, I had this game and spent hundreds of hours playing this. Regardless of what you do, you should never end up losing to another contestant.NFSU2 how to use unique/contest/art factory vinyls with other vinyls Don’t just tell your friends about the hot-spot locations where you routinely race but make an effort to reduce your rivals’ capabilities on the streets. A remarkable plot of the game is the free roam mode, which allows you to explore the city and engage in street races with other racers. NFS Underground 2 is the sequel to the best-selling racing game of all time, Need for Speed Underground, which was released in 2003. The Need for Speed series has long established itself as one of the most exciting, engaging, and intense racing series on the market and the Need for Speed Underground 2 doesn’t disappoint.

Download the full version of the Need For Speed (NFS) Underground 2 game safely from a trusted source. Need For Speed Underground 2 download for Windows PC.